Chapter 36 Resource Acquisition and Transport in Vascular Plants Reading Guide Answers

Biol 106

10th edition

Acquire Before Lecture Chapter 36:

Resource Acquisition and Transport in Vascular Plants

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the sections of chapter 36 as indicated below (you can skim through the other sections

– use this sail every bit a guide for where to focus your attention and time). Fill in thidue south homework worksheet as

you read. Once it is completed, go to Blackboard and complete the quiz using this sheet.

**Exist warned that the quiz questions practise not echo the text of the questions – you demand this completed

worksheet to successfully navigate the quiz**

Concept 36.3: Transpiration Drives the Transport of Water and Minerals from Roots to Shoots via the 10ylem

Q1: What is the cohesion-tension hypothesis?

(a) Depict in your ain words.

The cohesion-tension theory of sap ascent explains how water is pulled upwards from the roots to the top of

the plant. Eastwardvaporation from mesophyll cells in the leaves produces a negative water potential gradiant

that causes water and minerals to move upwards from the roots through the xylem. Transpiration

provides the pull for the ascent of xylem sap and the cohesion of water molecules transmits this pull

along the entireastward length of the xylem from shoots to roots. The xylem sap is usually under negativdue east


(b) What is the unequalerence between cohesion and adhesion?

Cohesion is the attractice force between molecules of the same substance whereas adhesion is the attractive

force between water molecules and other polar substances.

Q2: To transport water from the root into the shoot does the water potential in the xylem demand to become

more than positive or negative? Why?

Negative because it allows for the water and minerals to movdue east upwards from the roots through the xylem.

Q3: Why does Guttation only work in small herbaceous plants?

The positive pressures produced are simp[lu too weak to overcome up the gravitational force of thre water column

in the xylem in tall plants.

Concept 36.4: The rateast of transpiration is regulated by stomata

Q4: Which of the following statements is correct for stomata opening?

(a) Stomata takeast up K+ into their guard cells, which attracts water to enforce their opening. TRUE

(b) Stomata consign G+ from their guard cells, which causes water to diffuse out, and that is the trigger for

stomata to open upwardly.

(c) Na+ is the main ion source to control stomata opening in plants.

(d) Most critical is the closing of aquaporins in the jail cell westwardall of baby-sit cells to opedue north up southtomata.

(eastward) Stomata have small muscles that contract and open upwards the kidney shaped guard cells.

Q5: Xerophytes are?

Plants that havdue east adapted to an arid environment.


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